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The Nexus of Building Energy Codes and Resilience

Document Type: Reports and Studies, Resource Guide
Publication Date:

Case Studies in Community Energy Resilience Planning - Example Initiatives

Document Type: Reports and Studies
Publication Date:

In early 2023, BECP released a guide titled Community Energy Resilience Planning for Extended Power Outages. This guide outlined planning approaches and best practices that local governments can use to establish effective plans for long-term power outages associated with climate threats.   This supplement report serves as a companion piece to that guide. It presents six detailed case studies of communities that have led the way in resilience planning and also highlights specific solutions in five other communities. To provide a representative sample of leaders in resilience planning, the authors engaged communities of varying sizes and in diverse geographic locations with varying climate hazards. 

Case Studies in Community Energy Resilience Planning - Appendix II

Document Type: Reports and Studies
Publication Date:

In early 2023, BECP released a guide titled Community Energy Resilience Planning for Extended Power Outages. This guide outlined planning approaches and best practices that local governments can use to establish effective plans for long-term power outages associated with climate threats.   This supplement report serves as a companion piece to that guide. It presents six detailed case studies of communities that have led the way in resilience planning and also highlights specific solutions in five other communities. To provide a representative sample of leaders in resilience planning, the authors engaged communities of varying sizes and in diverse geographic locations with varying climate hazards. 

Case Studies in Community Energy Resilience Planning - Appendix I

Document Type: Reports and Studies
Publication Date:

In early 2023, BECP released a guide titled Community Energy Resilience Planning for Extended Power Outages. This guide outlined planning approaches and best practices that local governments can use to establish effective plans for long-term power outages associated with climate threats.   This supplement report serves as a companion piece to that guide. It presents six detailed case studies of communities that have led the way in resilience planning and also highlights specific solutions in five other communities. To provide a representative sample of leaders in resilience planning, the authors engaged communities of varying sizes and in diverse geographic locations with varying climate hazards. 

Case Studies in Community Energy Resilience Planning - San Diego

Document Type: Reports and Studies
Publication Date:

In early 2023, BECP released a guide titled Community Energy Resilience Planning for Extended Power Outages. This guide outlined planning approaches and best practices that local governments can use to establish effective plans for long-term power outages associated with climate threats.   This supplement report serves as a companion piece to that guide. It presents six detailed case studies of communities that have led the way in resilience planning and also highlights specific solutions in five other communities. To provide a representative sample of leaders in resilience planning, the authors engaged communities of varying sizes and in diverse geographic locations with varying climate hazards. 

Case Studies in Community Energy Resilience Planning - Cape Canaveral

Document Type: Reports and Studies
Publication Date:

In early 2023, BECP released a guide titled Community Energy Resilience Planning for Extended Power Outages. This guide outlined planning approaches and best practices that local governments can use to establish effective plans for long-term power outages associated with climate threats.   This supplement report serves as a companion piece to that guide. It presents six detailed case studies of communities that have led the way in resilience planning and also highlights specific solutions in five other communities. To provide a representative sample of leaders in resilience planning, the authors engaged communities of varying sizes and in diverse geographic locations with varying climate hazards. 

Case Studies in Community Energy Resilience Planning - Port Angeles

Document Type: Reports and Studies
Publication Date:

In early 2023, BECP released a guide titled Community Energy Resilience Planning for Extended Power Outages. This guide outlined planning approaches and best practices that local governments can use to establish effective plans for long-term power outages associated with climate threats.   This supplement report serves as a companion piece to that guide. It presents six detailed case studies of communities that have led the way in resilience planning and also highlights specific solutions in five other communities. To provide a representative sample of leaders in resilience planning, the authors engaged communities of varying sizes and in diverse geographic locations with varying climate hazards. 

Case Studies in Community Energy Resilience Planning - Tucson

Document Type: Reports and Studies
Publication Date:

In early 2023, BECP released a guide titled Community Energy Resilience Planning for Extended Power Outages. This guide outlined planning approaches and best practices that local governments can use to establish effective plans for long-term power outages associated with climate threats.   This supplement report serves as a companion piece to that guide. It presents six detailed case studies of communities that have led the way in resilience planning and also highlights specific solutions in five other communities. To provide a representative sample of leaders in resilience planning, the authors engaged communities of varying sizes and in diverse geographic locations with varying climate hazards. 

Case Studies in Community Energy Resilience Planning - Boston

Document Type: Reports and Studies
Publication Date:

In early 2023, BECP released a guide titled Community Energy Resilience Planning for Extended Power Outages. This guide outlined planning approaches and best practices that local governments can use to establish effective plans for long-term power outages associated with climate threats.   This supplement report serves as a companion piece to that guide. It presents six detailed case studies of communities that have led the way in resilience planning and also highlights specific solutions in five other communities. To provide a representative sample of leaders in resilience planning, the authors engaged communities of varying sizes and in diverse geographic locations with varying climate hazards. 

Case Studies in Community Energy Resilience Planning - Kansas City Region

Document Type: Reports and Studies
Publication Date:

In early 2023, BECP released a guide titled Community Energy Resilience Planning for Extended Power Outages. This guide outlined planning approaches and best practices that local governments can use to establish effective plans for long-term power outages associated with climate threats.   This supplement report serves as a companion piece to that guide. It presents six detailed case studies of communities that have led the way in resilience planning and also highlights specific solutions in five other communities. To provide a representative sample of leaders in resilience planning, the authors engaged communities of varying sizes and in diverse geographic locations with varying climate hazards. 

Case Studies in Community Energy Resilience Planning - Overview

Document Type: Reports and Studies
Publication Date:

In early 2023, BECP released a guide titled Community Energy Resilience Planning for Extended Power Outages. This guide outlined planning approaches and best practices that local governments can use to establish effective plans for long-term power outages associated with climate threats.   This supplement report serves as a companion piece to that guide. It presents six detailed case studies of communities that have led the way in resilience planning and also highlights specific solutions in five other communities. To provide a representative sample of leaders in resilience planning, the authors engaged communities of varying sizes and in diverse geographic locations with varying climate hazards. 

Case Studies in Community Energy Resilience Planning

Document Type: Reports and Studies
Publication Date:

In early 2023, BECP released a guide titled Community Energy Resilience Planning for Extended Power Outages. This guide outlined planning approaches and best practices that local governments can use to establish effective plans for long-term power outages associated with climate threats.   This supplement report serves as a companion piece to that guide. It presents six detailed case studies of communities that have led the way in resilience planning and also highlights specific solutions in five other communities. To provide a representative sample of leaders in resilience planning, the authors engaged communities of varying sizes and in diverse geographic locations with varying climate hazards. 

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2019 Performance Rating Method Reference Manual

Document Number: PNNL-29674
Document Type: Reports and Studies
Publication Date:

This document is intended to be a reference manual for the Appendix G Performance Rating Method (PRM) of ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2019 (Standard 90.1-2019).

Enhancing Resilience in Buildings Through Energy Efficiency

Document Number: PNNL-32727 Rev. 1
Document Type: Reports and Studies
Publication Date:

The Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Building Technologies Office (BTO) recognizes the need to better understand the relationship between energy efficiency and resilience, including the need for standardized metrics, establishment of evaluation methods, and impact assessment for residential and commercial buildings. To address these needs, BTO commissioned three national research laboratories to develop a standardized methodology to quantitatively assess how energy-efficiency measures affect building thermal resilience. The study builds on previous BTO efforts to identify resilience metrics and outstanding analytical needs. It was completed under the guidance of a technical advisory group comprised of industry experts and representatives experienced in building resilience. This report summarizes the research effort conducted by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, reports initial findings resulting from the efficiency- resilience valuation effort, and identifies areas of need for continued research and analysis.

Building Performance Modeling Tools Physics and Sensitivity Testing in Support of Compliance Modeling

Document Number: PNNL-33183
Document Type: Reports and Studies
Publication Date:

NECC 2022: Energy Codes and Resilience - Polling Results

Document Type: Reports and Studies
Publication Date:

2022 NECC Presentation

Realizing Demand Flexibility with Commercial Building Energy Codes

Document Number: PNNL-29604
Document Type: Reports and Studies
Publication Date:

This report considers the role of commercial building energy codes in enabling grid-interactive efficient buildings (GEBs). Specifically, it highlights the status of demand flexibility (DF) measures in ASHRAE Standard 90.1. It examines the model code-development process and identifies components preventing the consideration and inclusion of DF measures, including code scope, characterization and analysis of proposed new prescriptive measures, and the time-of-day and geographic differences in their benefits.

Filling the Efficiency Gap to Achieve Zero-Energy Buildings with Energy Codes

Document Number: PNNL-30547
Document Type: Reports and Studies
Publication Date:

This study investigates the technical feasibility of achieving zero energy (ZE) new residential and commercial buildings with national model energy codes. The approach and analysis are intended to provide guidance, inform goal setting, and direct future code development.

Building Energy Codes and Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings

Document Number: PNNL-28605
Document Type: Reports and Studies
Publication Date:

Grid-interactive efficient buildings (GEBs) combine efficiency and demand flexibility with smart technologies and communication to provide occupant comfort and productivity while serving the grid as a distributed energy resource (DER). This report includes an overview of relevant BTO research efforts to inform and guide the addition of GEB considerations in the model energy code.

End-Use Opportunity Analysis Based on Standard 90.1-2016

Document Number: PNNL-28569
Document Type: Analysis, Reports and Studies
Publication Date:

This report summarizes technical analysis conducted by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), assessing expected end-use energy consumption in commercial buildings, based on recent editions of the model energy code for the commercial sector, ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings. An accompanying spreadsheet is available containing detailed end use data results from the Progress Indicator analysis.

Energy Code Field Studies: Low-Rise Multifamily Air Leakage Testing

Document Type: Field Study, Reports and Studies
Publication Date:

Described separately from the U.S. DOE Multifamily Residential Energy Efficiency Field Study, this report is a simultaneous study of building air tightness occurred using several of the main study buildings and additional sites that met the building type criteria. Overall, 26 sites were evaluated this way using semi-automated testing equipment (blower doors).

Residential Building Energy Efficiency Field Studies: Low-Rise Multifamily

Document Type: Field Study, Reports and Studies
Publication Date:

Final report of the U.S. DOE Multifamily Residential Energy Efficiency Field Study to validate the impact of building energy codes in low-rise multifamily buildings and identify opportunities for increased energy that can be addressed through workforce education & training programs. Results include both characteristics summaries (by state) and an analysis of the opportunities associated with increased code compliance on building energy use in the different climate zones. As well, the process of collecting and processing building data so that these estimates can be prepared is described in detail, with the intent that others could employ this process in future studies. This report also includes a market research component that describes interviews with key actors in the multifamily sector (building designers, developers, and builders) that focuses on various aspects of the code, including specific code details relevant to code education and training, and overall energy performance.

Low-Rise Multifamily Field Study Data

Document Type: Field Study, Reports and Studies
Publication Date:

Field study data supporting the U.S. DOE Multifamily Residential Energy Efficiency Field Study to validate the impact of building energy codes in low-rise multifamily buildings and identify opportunities for increased energy that can be addressed through workforce education & training programs. This zip file contains individual documents listed below)

  • Data Dictionary
  • Entity Relationship Diagram
  • Generic Read Me
  • Illinois Summary Dataset
  • Minnesota Summary Dataset
  • Oregon Summary Dataset
  • Washington Summary Dataset

Single-family Residential Field Study: Phase III Data and Findings

Document Type: Field Study, Presentation Slides, Reports and Studies
Publication Date:

Presentation slides from the 2019 National Energy Codes Conference that provided an overview of the U.S. Department of Energy Building Energy Codes residential field study Phase III data collection and findings.

Development of Lost Energy Cost Savings for Energy Code Compliance in Commercial Buildings

Document Number: PNNL- 28503
Document Type: Reports and Studies
Publication Date:

This document attempts to answer the following questions: What is the potential value of increasing compliance with the energy code and which code requirements should be emphasized during these studies? Ultimately, these are the questions that policy makers, funders, and program implementers care about. To answer them, a far more sophisticated approach is needed, one that addresses not only the question of value, but also the resource requirements to determine that value.