This 2-hour training is targeted toward building officials, beyond code program administrators, and others who are tasked with approval of energy modeling submittals for performance based compliance. It discusses submittal review strategy and the key review steps including verifying the submittal for completeness; confirming that building systems and components shown in the compliance forms reflect design documents; that the configuration of the baseline (budget) design model is established correctly based on the applicable rules of ASHRAE 90.1 Section 11 or Appendix G; that, based on the simulation reports, the baseline (budget) and proposed designs were modeled as described in the compliance forms; and that the compliance outcome was established correctly based on the energy modeling results. The training demonstrates how to effectively use the DOE Compliance Form to perform the reviews and discusses other available resources such as the Submittal Review Manual.
New compliance forms have been developed to support demonstrating commercial building energy code compliance with the performance-based approaches of ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2016 and 2019 Energy Cost Budget and Appendix G Performance Rating Methods. These forms will help modelers establish simulation inputs for the baseline/budget and proposed design models and include submittal checklists to ensure that all necessary supporting documentation is included in compliance submittals. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) hosted two training webinars on the use of these forms in September and December 2020.
This 2-hour training focuses on ASHRAE Standard 90.1 reporting requirements applicable to performance-based projects and covers the documentation that must be submitted to code officials and administrators of above-code programs. It illustrates how to fill out the DOE (Department of Energy) Compliance Form, discusses productivity tips, efficient workflow, and covers the common mistakes and best practices. The training targets energy modelers, submittal reviewers and members of design teams signing off on the submittals. The training includes presentation and live demonstration of how to fill out the Compliance Form for a sample project.