Legacy COMcheck
The COMcheck software and web tools simplify and clarify energy code compliance with the IECC, standard (ASHRAE Standard 90.1), and a number of state-specific energy codes.
U.S. DOE announced $240 million in IRA funding to support the adoption and implementation of the latest building energy codes, zero energy codes, and innovative codes like building performance standards.
The COMcheck software and web tools simplify and clarify energy code compliance with the IECC, standard (ASHRAE Standard 90.1), and a number of state-specific energy codes.
The REScheck software and web tools simplify residential energy code compliance by automating trade-off calculations for the IECC and a number of state-specific codes.
Use the ASHRAE compliance forms to meet the documentation requirements of Standards 90.1-2016 and 2019 Section 11 Energy Cost Budget Method and Appendix G Performance Rating Method.
The new version of COMcheck-Web supports commercial and high-rise residential energy code compliance while providing better user navigation and experience. All future national or state energy codes will be implemented in the new version of COMcheck-Web.
View building energy code-related events and opportunities for participation in Building Energy Codes Program activities, such as stakeholder meetings, webinars, and comment periods.
Read MoreThe Building Energy Codes Program (BECP) provides a comprehensive collection of information and resources designed to answer questions and address issues related to energy codes.
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