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Building Energy Codes for Tribal Nations

The Building Energy Codes Program (BECP) provides tailored technical assistance in the form of analysis, implementation tools, educational and training materials, among other resources, to States, Jurisdictions, and Tribal Nations. This Tribal Nation Energy Codes Hub provides an overview of specific energy code resources and assistance activities Tribal Nations can request to support energy code implementation. The Hub also outlines various building energy codes adopted across Tribal Nations and opportunities to engage with federally funded projects.

Technical Assistance

BECP offers Technical Assistance to States, municipalities, and Tribal Nations at no cost to the recipient. Technical Assistance is customized to support the adoption and implementation of building energy codes. It can include analyses of energy and cost impacts, education and training services, and the development of compliance tools and resources, with additional assistance options available by request.

Examples of the type of technical assistance offered include the following:

Code Analysis, Development, and Adoption
  • Comparative analysis of model code options
  • Tailored cost-effectiveness and impact analyses
  • Customized energy codes pursuing advanced goals (e.g., resilience, net zero energy)
Workforce Training
  • Courses for IECC and ASHRAE updates
  • Overviews of specific code and policy topics (e.g., performance-based compliance options)
  • Tailored workforce training gap and impact analyses
  • Stakeholder engagement to address regional and community-based workforce needs
  • Customized trainings on local code and policy changes and construction practices
Compliance Tools and Resources
  • REScheck and COMcheck
  • Tailored resource gap analysis
  • Customized compliance study support to address amendments, local building trends, and other requirements
  • Stakeholder engagement to address regional and community-based needs

Tribal Nations seeking technical assistance supporting energy code adoption or implementation activities should contact Paula Zimin, BECP’s Tribal Nation Technical Assistance Lead. Find out more and connect with others via the Building Energy Codes Technical Assistance Network .

Funding Opportunities

There are many opportunities for Tribal Nations to be involved in energy code implementation efforts taking place across the country. Several DOE-funded projects directly support energy code implementation in Tribal Nations through partnerships and stakeholder engagement and the development of tailored resources and direct technical assistance. The following list outlines relevant funded projects and highlights opportunities to get involved.

Resilient and Efficient Codes Implementation (RECI) Initiative Projects

Award Recipient Alaska Housing Finance Corporation
Project Name Framework for Responsive Code Development in Alaska
Region / State Focus Alaska
Project Overview This project seeks to develop a framework for building energy code adoption in Alaska that is responsive to local variability and will eventually be distributed to local and Tribal governments. In developing this framework, the project team will establish a Technical Advisory Group (TAG) made up of labor unions, local governments, and Tribal entities to ensure the final framework is responsive to community needs, as well a Tribal Working Group (TWG) that will meet bi-annually to inform the project's Tribal Nation engagement efforts.
Award Recipient Center for Energy and Environment
Project Name Minnesota Advanced Energy Codes Partnership: A Path to Net Zero
Region / State Focus Minnesota
Project Overview This project aims to strategically engage a variety of energy stakeholders in Minnesota, including state agencies, Tribal Nations, construction firms, NGOs, and more, to develop and implement a pathway for the state’s commercial energy code to achieve net zero emissions by 2036. One of the main goals of this project is to support Tribal Nations in their efforts to adopt updated building energy codes by providing technical assistance to update codes, supporting code compliance efforts, and working to improve the efficiency of existing buildings.
Award Recipient Slipstream
Project Name Building a Strong Foundation for Lasting Energy Code Adoption by Native Nations in Michigan
Region / State Focus Michigan
Project Overview This project aims to support Native Nations in Michigan in establishing an effective code adoption process and developing a holistic codes program focused on education, training, adoption, and compliance. To effectively engage and serve Tribal Nations, the project team plans to establish a Tribal Codes Advisory Committee (TBAC), which will meet quarterly across the two-year project timeline.
Award Recipient Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance
Project Name Focused on Under-Resourced Tribal and Home Rule (FURTHR): Aligning Energy Codes with Community Values
Region / State Focus Alaska, Arizona, Illinois, Iowa, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Wisconsin, and Wyoming
Project Overview This project aims to improve base energy efficiency requirements and building practices in historically under-resourced communities, with a strong focus on Tribal Nations, by strategically aligning energy code benefits with community values. The project team plans to integrate Tribal communities into their efforts by forming a Tribal Nation Technical Advisory Group (TN TAG), hiring Tribal support staff members in focus areas, and developing Tribe-specific adoption guidance, roadmaps, code books, and more.

Additional Resources

International Code Council – Native American Code Official Chapter
The International Code Council develops model codes and standards and building safety solutions to ensure safe, affordable, and sustainable communities and buildings. Most US states and local jurisdictions utilize the model building codes published by ICC to regulate building health, safety, efficiency, and sustainability. In 2024, the ICC established a Code Council chapter dedicated to Native Code Officials. The new chapter, the Native American Code Officials (NACO) chapter, is focused on advancing Native sovereignty through building codes.

Tribal Green Building Codes Guidance -- EPA
This guidance, published by the US EPA in 2015, provides examples of Tribal green building ordinances, code language, and code references, as well as case studies of the rollout of green building practices in Tribal communities.

Tribal Green Building Toolkit -- EPA
This toolkit, published by the US EPA in 2023, is intended is to help tribal officials, community members, planners, developers, and architects develop and adopt building codes to support green building practices. It can be used by tribes both with and without existing building codes. It includes strategies and resources for assessing, prioritizing, developing, and implementing green building codes, as well as guidance for updating existing codes or developing new codes.

Sustainable Construction in Indian Country Initiative
This report provides an in-depth review of the activities conducted under the Sustainable Construction in Indian Country Initiative, as well as key findings and recommendations resulting from these activities. This initiative took place between May 2011 and May 2013 and was led by the HUD Office of Policy Development and Research and the HUD Office of Native American Programs.

Best Practices in Tribal Housing: Case Studies 2013
This report features 17 case studies of sustainable construction projects implemented in Native communities nationwide. The case studies highlight best practices, as well as the replicability and applicability of each project to other communities. This report was published in 2013 by the Sustainable Native Communities Collaborative for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Alaska Strategic Energy Planning Handbook
This handbook was created for Alaska Native villages and communities to use as they work to achieve near- and long-term energy goals. It outlines a step-by-step process for leaders to follow to develop strategic energy plans, as well as guidance on how to incorporate community input into these plans. It was published in 2013 by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs.

Rebuild Healthy Homes: A Guide to Post-Disaster Restoration for a Safe and Healthy Home
This guide was published in 2015 by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. It was developed to support homeowners, volunteers, and other workers in safely repairing and rebuilding healthy homes after disasters. It includes advice on how to navigate a variety of disaster and damage scenarios.

Excessive Heat Guidebook
This guidebook provides local public health officials and other stakeholders with the information they need to effectively assess their area’s vulnerability to extreme heat events (EHE) and to develop and implement EHE notification and response programs. It was published by the EPA in 2006 and most recently updated in 2016.

LMI Energy Burden in Tribal Nations
This webpage contains an interactive map depicting the energy burdens faced by low- and moderate-income (LMI) American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian households. The Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance published this research in December of 2024.

Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs
This webpage highlights the activities of the US DOE’s Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs. This office exists to empower Native communities to develop local energy solutions and support their efforts to secure affordable, reliable, and efficient energy for Tribal lands and homes. The office’s primary activities include providing financial assistance and technical assistance, developing education and capacity building resources, and hosting events.

Federal Energy Funding for Rural and Remote Areas: A Guide for Communities
This guide was released in 2023 by the Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations and was designed to provide an overview of federal funding programs available to individuals looking to plan or build clean energy projects in rural and remote areas. It also includes resources to help individuals navigate the federal funding process.

Tribal Energy Project Funding History
The US Department of Energy (DOE) funds various renewable energy and energy efficiency projects to assist tribes in realizing their energy visions. This website hosts information on DOE tribal energy project awards by fiscal year from 1994 to 2009.