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Supported Software Versions

The REScheck and COMcheck code compliance tools are designed to operate on the following operating systems and browsers. While REScheck/COMcheck may operate using older versions of the listed software, technical support will be limited to these versions (or newer). Instructions for determining what version number you are using may be obtained at

As of September 2017, the following software and versions are supported:

Operating Systems


Operating System REScheckWeb
REScheck (desktop)
COMcheck (desktop)
Windows Windows 7
Windows 10
Windows 7
Windows 10
Mac OSX 10.11
OSX 10.12
OSX 10.13
Not Supported
Linux Ubuntu 16.04 Not Supported




Browser REScheckWeb
REScheck (desktop)
COMcheck (desktop)
Firefox Firefox 52 N/A
Internet Explorer Internet Explorer 11 N/A
Chrome latest version only N/A
Safari Safari 11 N/A