State Profile
Code Type: | Commercial | Residential |
Current State Code | 2021 IECC and ASHRAE 90.1-2019 with Amendments | 2021 IECC with Amendments |
Effective Date | ||
Adoption Date | ||
State Amendments | Yes | Yes |
State Code Analysis* | ||
Enforcement | Mandatory Statewide | Mandatory Statewide |
Can use COM/REScheck | No | No |
Previous Model Code | Submitted |
ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2016 | Yes |
ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2013 | No |
ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010 | Yes |
ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2007 | Yes |
Previous Model Code | Submitted |
2015 IECC | Yes |
2012 IECC | Yes |
2009 IECC | Yes |
Model Code Savings Potential
Statewide Savings Potential (2010-2030) | Residential | Commercial |
Cost | $2.38B | $2.59B |
Energy (primary) | 216MBtu | 305MBtu |
Consumer Cost Savings
Consumer Cost Savings | Residential per Home |
Commercial per 1,000 ft2 |
Annual ($) | $5 | $155 |
Annual (%) | 0.4% | |
Life-cycle (30 year) | $58 | $2780 |
Simple Payback | 5.0 years | 0.0 years |
Positive Cash Flow | 0.6 years |
Code Type: | Residential | Commercial |
Field Study | No | No |
Training Program | No | No |
Code Type | Residential | Commercial |
Code Cost-Effectiveness Analysis | 2021 IECC, 2018 IECC, 2015 IECC | ASHRAE 90.1-2019, ASHRAE 90.1-2013, ASHRAE 90.1-2016 |
Training | ||
Energy Code Impacts | Energy Code Impacts, State Fact Sheet | Energy Code Impacts, State Fact Sheet |
EIA State Energy Profile | EIA State Energy Profile | EIA State Energy Profile |
Additional Information
In response to the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (Public Law 94-163), the 1977 Florida legislature passed two laws requiring local adoption of an energy code for certain building categories for which building permits were issued after March 15, 1979. The two laws enacted by the Florida legislature were the driving force behind the "Florida Thermal Efficiency Code" and the "Florida Lighting Efficiency Code," which were combined in 1980 as the FEECBC.
The Florida legislature, through Chapter 81-226, Laws of Florida, and Chapter 553, Part VII, Florida Statutes, established the state energy code. Originally, this state law referenced minimum standards for construction to meet or exceed model standards such as those of ASHRAE/IES 90-1975. However, nationally recognized energy codes or standards such as ASHRAE standards were designed primarily for climates where heating, rather than cooling, is dominant. The FEECBC was developed to be climate-specific for Florida.
The state energy code became effective on March 15, 1979, and was updated in 1980, 1982, 1984, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993,and 1997, 2001, 2004, and 2007. The 2007 Florida Building Code was based on the 2006 IECC, which is published by the International Code Council. The Florida Building Commission decided to postpone the effective date of the 2007 Florida Building Code from December 31, 2008 to March 1, 2009.
As of November 2006, the Florida Energy Office (FEO) developed an Automated Energy Code Compliance System, a program proposed by the University of Central Florida's Florida Solar Energy Center. This system is a building standards database allowing designers and builders to access the most up-to-date building energy requirements and to apply for authorization.
On June 17, 2008, Florida Governor Charlie Crist signed HB 697, which outlined the state legislature's mandate to select the most current version of the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) as a foundation code. The law directs the Florida Building Commission to include provisions in the 2010 edition of the Florida Energy Efficiency Code for Building Construction necessary to increase the energy performance of new buildings by at least 20 percent. See the status of the 2010 Florida Energy Code modifications at Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation at
The 2010 Florida Building Code became effective on March 15, 2012.
State-Owned/Funded Buildings
All new construction and renovation of State buildings must follow the guidelines of LEED or other green building rating systems, including Green Globes and the Florida Green Building Coalition standards. The bill requires the same of the following public entities in the State of Florida entering design after July 1, 2008: counties, municipalities, school districts, water management districts, state universities, community colleges, and Florida state courts. The bill further requires that all new leases of state-occupied office space must meet Energy Star (HB7135, 2008).
Adoption Process
The Florida Building Commission is directed to adopt, revise, update, and maintain the Florida Building Code in accordance with Chapter 120 of the state statutes. The code is mandatory throughout the state and need not be adopted by a local government to be applicable at the local level. The Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation is responsible for supporting the Florida Building Commission.
Enforcement Process
Local building departments enforce compliance as part of the building regulatory programs. Technical assistance is provided by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation.
Compliance Process
To obtain a building permit, the building owner or the owner's designated agent must certify compliance. If design and/or construction modifications are made that would diminish the building's energy performance, an amended compliance certification must be submitted to the local enforcement agency. All work requiring a permit is subject to inspection by the local building official. The builder must make available Energy Performance Level Display Cards, HVAC Efficiency Cards, and Insulation Certification Cards. The building official must also forward a copy of the front page of the compliance certification to the Department of Business and Professional Regulation on a quarterly basis.