State Profile
Previous Model Code | Submitted |
ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2007 | Yes |
Previous Model Code | Submitted |
2009 IECC | Yes |
Model Code Savings Potential
Statewide Savings Potential (2010-2030) | Residential | Commercial |
Cost | $0.36B | $0.37B |
Energy (primary) | 37MBtu | 49MBtu |
Consumer Cost Savings
Consumer Cost Savings | Residential per Home |
Commercial per 1,000 ft2 |
Annual ($) | $428 | $130 |
Annual (%) | 21.5% | |
Life-cycle (30 year) | $6490 | $2130 |
Simple Payback | 2.9 years | 0.0 years |
Positive Cash Flow | 0.3 years |
Code Type: | Residential | Commercial |
Field Study | Yes | No |
Training Program | No | No |
Code Type | Residential | Commercial |
Code Cost-Effectiveness Analysis | 2021 IECC, 2018 IECC, 2015 IECC | ASHRAE 90.1-2019, ASHRAE 90.1-2016, ASHRAE 90.1-2013 |
Training | ||
Energy Code Impacts | Energy Code Impacts, State Fact Sheet | Energy Code Impacts, State Fact Sheet |
EIA State Energy Profile | EIA State Energy Profile | EIA State Energy Profile |
Additional Information
The first energy code in Nebraska was adopted in 1980, based on the ASHRAE/IES Standard 90-1975. This state code was modified in 1984 to require compliance with the 1983 Model Energy Code (MEC).
Legislation was proposed in the 1994-1995 to adopt the 1992 MEC statewide. The legislative bill did not pass, and the energy code for new construction remained the 1983 MEC.
In May 1999, the governor signed Legislative Bill 755, requiring all state-owned or state-funded buildings comply with the 1998 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) effective January 1, 2000.
In 2004, following the completion of an analysis that determined it was cost effective for the state of adopt the 2003 IECC, legislation was passed by the Unicameral to update the NEC to the 2003 IECC, effective July 1, 2005, replacing the 1983 MEC. The NEC applied to all new additions and modifications to existing buildings that exceeded 50 percent of the replacement cost of the structure. The NEC did not apply to historical buildings or manufactured housing. Manufactured housing units were regulated by the Public Service Commission.
The Energy Office offers an incentive program to reduce the mortgage interest rate for homes built above certain code levels, such as Five Star Plus, Energy Star Homes.
In 2009, a study on the energy impacts in Nebraska of the 2003 IECC compared to the 2009 IECC, finding that a reduction in whole-house consumption ranging from 3-12 percent in different areas of the state. Savings of 13-15 percent were achieved in homes with Energy Star rated gas furnaces.
In 2011, Legislative Bill 329, which updates the Nebraska Energy Code from the 2003 IECC to the 2009 IECC/ASHRAE 90.1-2007, was passed by the Unicameral in April and signed by the governor. The updated Nebraska Energy Code became effective August 27, 2011.
In 2019, Legislative Bill 405, which updates the Nebraska Energy Code from the amended 2009 IECC to the unamended 2018 IECC, was passed by the Unicameral in May and signed by the governor. The updated Nebraska Energy Code is effective July 1, 2020.
Adoption Process
No set schedule exists for modifying the current building and/or energy codes. The current energy code is referenced directly in legislation and can only be changed by the state legislature. The state code is mandatory, and local jurisdictions are required to adopt the Nebraska Energy Code (NEC) or another code that is determined to be at least as energy efficient as the NEC.
Enforcement Process
Local code jurisdictions are required to adopt the Nebraska Energy Code (NEC) or another code that is determined to be at least as energy efficient as the NEC. A jurisdiction may waive a specific requirement of the NEC if documentation is provided to the Energy Office indicating why the implementation of the requirement is not economically justified. The Energy Office enforces the NEC for buildings not constructed within the boundaries of a local code jurisdiction.
Compliance Process
In jurisdictions that have adopted a code, a plan review and inspection are required at the local level only if required by the local code authority.
Plans for houses using incentive financing are reviewed and approved by the Nebraska Energy Office.
State agencies are responsible for code compliance in their new and remodeled buildings.